A婚禮顧問課程pparently one of the most romantic days is upon us.Valentine’s Day but there is some people for whom it's not just an act saved up for special occasions, it’s a way of life, a never-ending journey, and they are forever trying to find the way into your heart.- Garmaan Nq
顯然我們正在迎來(一年裡) 最浪漫的日子(之一)。情人節對一些人而言,並不只是一個一年一次的需要(在某一天里)有特殊表示的日子,它更是一種生活方式,一場永不會結束的旅程,他們永遠會嘗試不同銀行利率的方法走進你的心裡。 (原標題:Love makes the world go round)